I shot night snapshots in Hisaya-odori Park, on 29th December 2022.
アクセス Access
地名 Spot name | 久屋大通公園 Hisaya-odori Park |
所在地 Location | ・郵便番号 Post code:460-0002 ・住所:愛知県名古屋市中区丸の内3丁目 Address : 3 Marunouchi, Naka Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture ・電話番号 Tel:052-9720-2768 |
営業時間 Open hours | 24時間撮影可能 24 hours shooting available |
入場料 Entrance fee | なし No fee |
駐車場 Parking | セントラルパーク駐車場をご利用下さい Please use the parking area of Central Park. |
公式HP Official HP | 名古屋市公式観光情報 |
The above is the information at the time of writing the article.
Just in case, please check the latest information on the official website.
撮影記録 Photos and memo
・撮影日 Day:2022年12月29日 29th December 2022
・天候 Weather:晴れ Sunny

・焦点距離:14mm (構図より)
・絞り(f値):11 (全体にピントを合わせる為)
・シャッタースピード:4秒 (自動)
・ISO感度:100 (ノイズ抑制の為、最低値)
・Focal length:14mm (according to composition)
・Aperture value:11 (to focus on the whole)
・Shutter speed:4sec (Auto)
・ISO sensitivity value:100 (min value to reduce noise)
現地の様子 About spot

At first glance, it may look the same as the previous photo, but the angle of view is slightly different.

こちらも同じく、画角違いです。何枚も試行錯誤を繰り返し、最もしっくりくる1枚を選定しました。それが初めにご紹介した写真です。大胆に、MIRAI TOWERの上部をカットしました。その代わり、水面上に映るTOWERをトップまで取り込みました。これにより、花のイルミネーションを多く入れることもできました。
Again, the angle of view is different. After repeated trial and error, we selected the one that fits best. That’s the first photo I showed you. I boldly cut the top of the MIRAI TOWER. Instead, I took in the TOWER reflected on the surface of the water up to the top and a lot of flower illumination.

少し移動し、オアシス21とMIRAI TOWERを撮りました。
I moved a little and shot photos of Oasis 21 and MIRAI TOWER.

I moved a little more and shot them.

Oasis 21 rooftop floor. The light that penetrates the water from the lower floor is beautiful. I wanted to smooth out the waves on the water surface, so I set up a tripod and set the shutter speed to 2.5 seconds.

I shot a photo of Mirai Tower from below.

I shot another one from the front.
注意事項 Notes
・Be careful not to disturb another people.
・Be careful not to blur the photos.
・Be careful not to slip because the jetty ground is wet.
・Be careful not to fall into the pond or drop your equipments.
・Keep warm from autumn to winter.
・If you go by car, pay attention to traffic safety.
・Check that there is no dust on the lens and sensor.
・Be careful not to forget to record RAW data.
感想 Impression
It was a nice spot with lots of beautiful lights. A wide-angle lens is essential if you want to capture a variety of subjects.
I’m sorry, but the quality of the photos in this article is not very good. I will retake it someday, so please forgive me.