2023年5月1日、ミッドランドスクエア スカイプロムナードから見られる夜景を撮影してきました。本記事の内容は、撮影スポットのご説明、撮影時の記録のみです。観光情報はありませんのでご了承下さい。
I shot night view photos from Midland Square Sky Promenade, on 1st May 2023. This article is only about explanation of spot and and shooting report. Sorry, almost no tourist information is included.
It is probably the most famous night view shooting spot in Nagoya. Its height is about 220m above the ground. “Sky Promenade” is the outdoor observatory on the 44th and 45th floors.
The view from here was truly beautiful. On the other hand, it was very difficult for me to shoot night view.
Details are written below. Please refer it.
アクセス Access
地名 Spot name | ミッドランドスクエア スカイプロムナード Midland Square Sky Promenade |
所在地 Location | ・郵便番号 Post code : 450-6242 ・住所:名古屋市中村区名駅四町目7番1号 ミッドランド スクエア 44-46階 Address : 44th-46th floor, Midland Square, 7-1 Meieki 4-chome, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture ・電話番号 Tel : 052-527-8877 (General Information) |
営業時間 Open hours | ・通常 Regular :11:00〜22:00 (Last entry time : 21:30) ・冬季 Winter (Early January 〜 29th/February) :13:00〜21:00 (Last entry time : 20:30) |
入場料 Entrance fee | ・大人 (18歳以上):800円 Adult (18 and over) : 800yen ・シルバー (65歳以上):500円 Silver ( 65 and over ) : 500yen ・中高生:500円 Middle and high school student : 500yen ・小学生 (土・日・祝 無料):300円 Elementary school student : 300yen (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays : No fee) |
駐車場 Parking | なし (近くのコインパーキングをご利用ください) Nothing. (Please use nearby coin parking.) |
公式HP Official website | Midland Square Sky Promenade |
The above is the information at the time of writing the article.
Just in case, please check the latest information on the official website.
撮影記録 Photos and memo
撮った写真 Photos
・ 日時 Day:2023年5月1日 1st May 2023
・ 天候 Weather:晴れ Sunny

・焦点距離:40mm (構図より)
・絞り(f値):11 (全体にピントを合わせる為)
・シャッタースピード:6秒 (自動)
・ISO感度:100 (ノイズ抑制の為、最低値)
・Focal length:40mm (according to composition)
・Aperture value:11 (to focus on the whole)
・Shutter speed:6sec (Auto)
・ISO sensitivity value:100 (min value to reduce noise)

・焦点距離:40mm (構図より)
・絞り(f値):11 (全体にピントを合わせる為)
・シャッタースピード:6秒 (列車の光跡を残す為)
・ISO感度:100 (ノイズ抑制の為、最低値)
・Focal length:40mm (according to composition)
・Aperture value:11 (to focus on the whole)
・Shutter speed:6sec (to make light of the train line)
・ISO sensitivity value:100 (min value to reduce noise)
現地の様子 About spot

There was no ceiling, and the sides were glass, so it was a very open space. Here is 45th floor . And if I go down the stairs, I’m on the 44th floor. Please be careful not to disturb other people when shooting from the passage on the 45th floor. The distance between the passage and the glass was long, so I couldn’t use the anti-reflection plate. I was very embarrassed…

If you want to shoot night view photos, I recommend the sofa area on the south side of the 44th floor. Here you can lean on the glass surface and use the anti-reflection plate.

This is daytime view. I roughly imaged the composition before it got dark. It should be dark around the tracks at night. Therefore, when the bullet train passes towards here, I thought I’d use a long exposure to add light trails of it as this photo.

This is the east side view. Mirai Tower is in front. When I take pictures like this, I try to be symmetrical. It is speculated that thick glass is used to maintain strength. A strong light source is vaguely blurred like this photo.

This is the north side view. The Day Nagoya Building towered.

This is the north side view. You can see Nagoya Castle and the loop line of the Nagoya Expressway. While applying Nagoya Castle to the three-division composition, the light of the Nagoya Expressway was arranged diagonally from the upper left to the lower right.
注意事項 Notes
・Night view shooting is easy at the sofa area on the 44th floor.
(Don’t. keep sofa for yourself for a long time.)
・Be careful not to disturb another people.
・Keep warm from autumn to winter.
・If you go by car, pay attention to traffic safety.
・Check that there is no dust on the lens and sensor.
感想 Impression
It was a wonderful view as rumored
I think it’s a wonderful spot that not only photo lovers but all people can enjoy it.
If you want to take pictures of the night view in a relaxed atmosphere, I recommend going on a weekday in winter when there are few customers. The air is clear in winter. Cold protection is a must.
Please visit there.