I shot night view photos of Canal Park Sasashima, on 8th July 2022. This article is only about explanation of spot and and shooting report. Sorry, almost no tourist information is included.
It’s a nice little-known spot with good access from the nearest station and not so crowded. The futuristic buildings and their reflections on the water surface of the canal are very beautiful. Why don’t you take a short trip after work or while you’re in town?
Details are written below. Please refer it.
アクセス Access
地名 Spot name | キャナルパークささしま Canal Park Sasashima |
所在地 Location | ・郵便番号 Post code:453-0872 ・住所:愛知県名古屋市中村区平池町4丁目 Address : 4-chome Hiraike-cho, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture ・電話番号 Tel:なし Nothing ※上記はあおなみ線ささしまライブ駅について記載 The above is the information about Sasashima–raibu Station |
営業時間 Open hours | 24時間撮影可能 24 hours shooting available |
入場料 Entrance fee | なし No fee |
駐車場 Parking | なし (近くのコインパーキングをご利用下さい) Nothing (Please use nearby coin parking.) |
公式HP Official HP | ささしまライブ あおなみ線 ささしまライブ駅 |
The above is the information at the time of writing the article.
Just in case, please check the latest information on the official website.
撮影記録 Photos and memo
撮った写真 Photos
・撮影日 Day:2022年7月8日 8th July 2022
・天候 Weather:曇り Cloudy
・焦点距離:85mm (構図より)
・絞り(f値):11 (全体にピントを合わせる為)
・シャッタースピード:8秒 (自動)
・ISO感度:100 (ノイズ抑制の為、最低値)
・Focal length:85mm (according to composition)
・Aperture value:11 (to focus on the whole)
・Shutter speed:8sec (Auto)
・ISO sensitivity value:100 (min value to reduce noise)
・焦点距離:50mm (構図より)
・絞り(f値):11 (全体にピントを合わせる為)
・シャッタースピード:4秒 (自動)
・ISO感度:400 (ブレない範囲内で、可能な限り低くしノイズ抑制)
・Focal length:50mm (according to composition)
・Aperture value:11 (to focus on the whole)
・Shutter speed:4sec (Auto)
・ISO sensitivity value:400 (as low as possible without blurring)
・焦点距離:85mm (構図より)
・絞り(f値):11 (全体にピントを合わせる為)
・シャッタースピード:2.5秒 (自動)
・ISO感度:640 (ブレない範囲内で、可能な限り低くしノイズ抑制)
・Focal length:85mm (according to composition)
・Aperture value:11 (to focus on the whole)
・Shutter speed:2.5sec (Auto)
・ISO sensitivity value:640 (as low as possible without blurring)
現地の様子 About spot
この写真は50mmで撮りました。水平を出す為に角度調整した結果、少しだけトリミングされています。何となく雰囲気が伝わるといいのですが。正面の高い建物は名古屋プリンスホテルのスカイタワーです。その前を走る高架は名古屋高速 5号 万場線です。中川運河をはさんだ対岸にある運河橋から撮りました。
This photo was shot with a 50mm focal length lens. I trimmed it to parallel. Can you feel the atmosphere? If so, I’m very glad. The tall building in front is the Sky Tower of Nagoya Prince Hotel. The overpass that runs in front of it is the Nagoya Expressway No. 5 Manba Line. I shot it from the canal bridge on the opposite bank across the Nakagawa Canal.
This photo was shot with 85mm focal length lens from the same location as the previous one. At the same time as adding a large reflection on the water surface, I also added a little reflection on the bottom of the Nagoya Expressway. The information is more organized than the 50mm, giving it a cleaner look. In addition, the ray of light from the street lights was emphasized more than the 50mm. The actual surface of the water is darker, so I lifted the shadows with RAW development. If you lift it too much, the reflection will not stand out, so I did it moderately.
I relied on my memory to make this photo as close to the actual color as possible. It’s a little purple, sorry… There were quite a few clouds, and the city lights were reflected irregularly there. I got a slightly eerie impression that was different from usual.
This time, I took a wide-angle shot from a slight angle. The trail of light running parallel to the right side of the photo is the Tokaido bullet train. I set the aperture to 11 in aperture priority mode and the shutter speed was 2.5 seconds. I aimed for a timing where the light trail would not be interrupted during this time.
In the same place as previous photo, I stepped back a little more. The clouds that had covered the sky just a little while ago have flown away, giving an impression of openness. It was a little windy that day, so I couldn’t get a good reflection. I will retry at another time.
This photo was shot handheld with a 50mm focal length lens. To increase the shutter speed, I changed the aperture value from 11 to 4, but the sharpness of the light rays was slightly lost. (Perhaps it is the effect of wearing a cheap protective filter)
The canal was beautifully paved. There are streetlights, benches, and green trees, creating a wonderful atmosphere. When I visited, some parts were still under construction. If the season and time are right, I would like to take a walk without a camera.
I would like to change the atmosphere a little and go black and white, but this is my escape. I couldn’t handle the color of the cloudy sky well, so I escaped to black and white.
I’m sorry…
Aichi University Nagoya Campus. The geometric pattern is beautiful. This place, which is crowded with many students in the daytime, is completely empty at this time of day, showing a different face.
I’m so sorry…
It’s on the east side of Global Gate.
注意事項 Notes
・Be careful not to disturb another people.
・Be careful not to blur the photos by the wind.
・Be careful not to slip.
・Be careful not to drop your equipments into the canal.
・Keep warm from autumn to winter.
・If you go by car, pay attention to traffic safety.
・Check that there is no dust on the lens and sensor.
感想 Impression
徒歩10分くらいのエリア内に、素敵なスポットが集中しております。三脚をセットし、あれもこれもと試行錯誤しながら撮っていると、あっという間に2、3時間経ってしまいます。私は本記事の写真を撮るのに2日かかりました。(記事作成の時点で、私が標準ズームレンズを持っておらず、50mmと85mmの単焦点レンズを行ったり来たりしながら撮っていたせいかもしれませんが) よって私は、ISO感度を少し高めに設定し、手持ちで気楽に撮り歩くことをオススメします。
Wonderful spots are concentrated within a 10-minute walk. If you set up a tripod and shoot all through trial and error, two or three hours will pass in no time. It took me two days to shot the photos for this article. (It may be because I didn’t have a standard range zoom lens at the time of writing the article, and was shooting with a 50mm and 85mm single focus lens.) Therefore, I recommend that you set the ISO sensitivity to a slightly higher value and shoot comfortably handheld.
Please also refer to this website.