

2023年 最初の撮影です。1月5日、愛知芸術文化センター 展望回廊から見る名古屋 栄の夜景を撮影してきました。本記事の内容は、撮影スポットのご説明、撮影時の記録のみです。観光情報はありませんのでご了承下さい。

ここはミッドランドスクエア スカイプロムナード、東山スカイタワーに並ぶ、東海地方屈指の夜景スポットです。ただ、それらに比べると少し知名度は低いようで、撮影当日もほとんど他の方はいらっしゃいませんでした。本記事にて、その魅力をお伝えしたいと思います。


This is the first shooting of 2023. I shot the night view photos of Nagoya Sakae seen from the Aichi Arts Center on 5th January 2023. This article is only about explanation of spot and and shooting report. Sorry, almost no tourist information is included.

This is one of the best night view spots in the Tokai region, just like Midland Square Sky Promenade and Higashiyama Sky Tower. However, compared to them, it seems to be a little less well-known, and there were almost no other people on the day of the shooting. In this article, I would like to let everyone known about its charm.

Details are written below. Please refer it.

アクセス Access

Spot name
Aichi Arts Center
・郵便番号 Post code:461-0005
 Address : 1-13-2 Higashisakura, Higashi ward, Nagoya city
・電話番号 Tel:052-971-5511
Open hours
Entrance fee
No fee
地下駐車場 512台
Underground paid parking for 512 cars
Official HP
The above is the information at the time of writing the article.
Just in case, please check the latest information on the official website.
補足 Additional information


Currently, the observatory corridor is closed and lights are turned off after 18:00 (after 20:00 on Fridays).
(As of 1st July, 2023)
Please check the latest information before visiting.

撮影記録 Photos and memo

撮った写真 Photos

・撮影日 Day:2023年1月5日 5th January 2023
・天候 Weather:曇り Cloudy


There are three photos shot in the same conditions at different time. The color of OASIS 21’s light-up and the light trail of the car running on the left are slightly different.

NIKON Z6Ⅱ NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f4 S

・焦点距離:30mm (構図より)
・絞り(f値):20 (全体にピントを合わせる為)
・シャッタースピード:30秒 (自動)
・ISO感度:100 (ノイズ抑制の為、最低値)

・Focal length:30mm (according to composition)
・Aperture value:20 (to focus on the whole)
・Shutter speed:30sec (to make light of the cars line)
・ISO sensitivity value:100 (min value to reduce noise)

NIKON Z6Ⅱ NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f4 S

NIKON Z6Ⅱ NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f4 S

現地の様子 About spot

明るい時間の眺めです。焦点距離は19.5mmです。MIRAI TOWER、オアシス21、名駅ビル群が一枚に収まります。SNS等ではこれくらいの画角が最も多く見られるのではないでしょうか。

It’s a bright hour view. The focal length is 19.5mm. MIRAI TOWER, OASIS 21, and the Nagoya Station Building Group are in one photo. This angle of view is probably the most commonly seen on social media.

縦構図です。焦点距離は29.5mmです。MIRAI TOWERとオアシス21が一枚に収まるのは素敵ですが、どうしても空の面積が大きくなってしまうので、私はあまり好きではありません。

Vertical composition. The focal length is 29.5mm. It’s nice that MIRAI TOWER and OASIS 21 are in one photo, but I don’t like it because sky percentage of the whole is large.


I shot the light trails of the Ferris wheel of Sunshine Sakae and the cars on the road. The focal length is 85mm. I set the shutter speed to 20 seconds. I observed the pattern of traffic lights and the flow of traffic so that the light trail was not cut off during the exposure.


It is the group of Nagoya Station buildings. I shot it with the 85mm prime lens.

11階 展望回廊の様子です。私のアシスタントがカメラの設定を確認しています。ガラス面からの反射が写真に写り込まないよう、注意しなくてはいけません。また、エアコンが稼働しておりません。夏は暑く、冬は寒いのでご注意下さい。

This is the view of the observation corridor on the 11th floor. My assistant is checking the camera settings. She try to avoid reflections from the glass surface appearing in her photo. Also, the air conditioner is not working, so please be careful of your health.


Hmmm, she’s seriously. good good.


Once she has made the settings, all she has to do is press the shutter button at the desired timing. She wanted to check the photos one by one on the spot, so she shot them manually, without auto interval shooting.


The Aichi Arts Center has a vaulted ceiling from the first floor to the top floor. You can go up to the 10th floor by taking the elevator that is in the right of this photo. From there you can take the stairs in the lobby to the 11th floor where the observation corridor is located.

これは人でしょうか? 吹き抜けの下から上までに渡る大きなモニュメントが展示されてました。

Is this a person? A large monument was displayed from the bottom to the top of the atrium.

注意事項 Notes



・Be careful not to disturb another people.
・Be careful not to blur the photos.
・Be careful not to drop your equipments.

・The observation corridor is not air-conditioned.
 ・Be careful not to stay for a long time in summer,
  because it’s hot and humid.
 ・Keep warm from autumn to winter.

・If you go by car, pay attention to traffic safety.

・Be careful of reflections from the glass surface.
・Check that there is no dust on the lens and sensor.
・Be careful not to forget to record RAW data.

感想 Impression

MIRAI TOWER、オアシス21、名駅ビル群を一枚に収めることができる、とても素敵な場所でした。また、展望回廊はあまり知られていないようで、ほとんど他の方はいらっしゃいませんでした。故に、じっくり落ち着いて撮影することができました。カメラ、写真に興味がないという方へも、静かに夜景を楽しめるスポットとしてオススメします。私のアシスタントは、将来ここで夜景をバックにファーストキスをしたいそうです。

It was a very good place where MIRAI TOWER, Oasis 21, and Nagoya Station Buildings could be captured in one photo. Also, it seems that the observatory corridor is not well known, so there were almost no other people. Therefore, I was able to relax and shot photos. Even for those who are not interested in cameras and photo, I recommend there as a good night view spot. My assistant said that she would like to kiss her boyfriend there in the future.
