I shot photos of old townscape Magome, on 3rd May 2023. This article is only about photos shot during my family trip, and explanation of spot. Sorry, almost no tourist information is included. Please refer to it in your spare time.
アクセス Access
地名 Spot name | 馬籠宿 Magome |
所在地 Location | ・郵便番号 Post code:508-0502 ・住所:岐阜県中津川市馬籠4300-1 Address : 4300-1 Magome, Nakatsugawa City, Gifu Prefecture ・電話番号 Tel : 0573-69-2336 ※上記は馬籠観光協会について記載 The above is about Magome Tourism Association |
営業時間 Open hours | 24時間撮影可能 24 hours shooting available |
入場料 Entrance fee | なし No fee |
駐車場 Parking | あり |
公式HP Official HP | 馬籠観光協会 |
The above is the information at the time of writing the article.
Just in case, please check the latest information on the official website.
撮影記録 Photos and memo
・撮影日 Day:2023年5月3日 3rd May 2023
・天候 Weather:晴れ Sunny

注意事項 Notes
Coming soon.
感想 Impression
Coming soon.