I shot photos of Meiko Triton, on 20th July 2022. This article is mainly about photo and memo. This article is only about explanation of spot and and shooting report. Sorry, almost no tourist information is included.
アクセス Access
地名 Spot name | 名港トリトン Meiko Triton |
所在地 Location | ・郵便番号 Post code : 455-0028 ・住所:愛知県名古屋市港区潮見町 Address : Shiomicho, Minato Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture ・電話番号 Tel : なし Nothing (上記は名港ICについて記載 The above is about Meiko IC.) |
営業時間 Open hours | 24時間撮影可能 24 hours shooting available |
入場料 Entrance fee | なし No fee |
駐車場 Parking | なし Nothing |
公式HP Official website | 名古屋市観光情報 名古屋コンシェルジュ |
The above is the information at the time of writing the article.
Just in case, please check the latest information on the official website.
撮影記録 Photos and memo
現地の様子 About spot
There is no parking. So I recommend using public transportation. I went by car with my wife and daughter and took turns taking pictures and staying in the car.
From here onwards is a restricted area. Even if trouble occurs, it is self-responsibility. Please be careful of next three points.
・Be careful not to slip because the jetty ground is wet.
・Be careful not to fall into the sea or drop your equipments.
・There are also anglers, so please be careful not to bump into them.
After passing through the gate that is off-limits, I reached the sea. On the opposite bank is Nippon Steel’s Nagoya Works. This is also one of the famous night view spots.
The sea is on the left. This is the road leading to the north side of the bridge Meiko Triton.
At night, it gets so dark that I can’t see my feet. I was very careful not to fall into the sea. The above 4 photos were shoot on different days.
撮った写真 Photos
・ 日時 Day:2022年7月20日 20th July 2022
・ 天候 Weather:晴れ Sunny
日が沈むまで車で休憩し、暗くなってから活動開始です。(下見は明るいうちに済ませておきます) 日本製鉄 名古屋製鉄所の照明も点灯しました。
I took a break in my car until the sun went down, and then started working after dark. (I finished the preliminary inspection of the site while it was still light.) The lights of Nippon Steel’s Nagoya Works were turned on.
If you want to shoot night view photo of this factory, you should take telescope lens. In my feeling, it’s 200-300mm.
Sometimes large tankers come and go.
West side. The gradation of the evening sky was very beautiful.
This is Meiko Triton. This time is the most beautiful. I set the focal length to 25.5mm to bring it into the frame in a well-balanced manner. I set the aperture to 8 to keep the whole subject in focus. I set the shutter speed to 4 seconds because I wanted the ocean to flow a little.
This is same RAW data as previous one. I raised the dark areas, and also the saturation with RAW development. My favorite is the previous phot, but I think this one is preferred on SNS.
This photo was shot later than the previous one. Since the difference between light and dark becomes smaller, the bridge does not stand out against the background. The pillars of light reflected in the sea are beautiful.
失敗談 Failure
I made two failure this time.
First failure...
Please see this photo. Can you see where the failure is? It’s right below the bridge. You can see the line of light extending. The enlarged image is the next.
This line of light is the trail of the ship. Because the exposure was for 30 seconds, the ship moved during that time, and the lighting of the ship appeared as a line of light. It is important check whether any ships or planes have passed during the exposure. If you can notice it on the spot, you can retake. However, it would be a tragedy to come home without noticing it on the spot and discover it for the first time when developing RAW on a PC.
Second failure.
I couldn’t find it on site. Therefore, I went to retake the photo on another day…
This is a failed photo. Can you see where the failure is? Actually, there are several, but the most obvious one is the black dot in the sky gradation on the left side of the photo. The enlarged image is the next.
You can see a dot on the top left of this image. It was caused by dust on the lens. I kept taking pictures without realizing it, so all the pictures I shot with this lens that day were failure. When shooting nightscapes and sunsets, I often use a wide-angle lens and take long exposures. In such cases, even small dust that does not pose a problem in normal situation appears as a clear shadow on the photo. Equipments maintenance is very important. A similar phenomenon occurs when dust adheres to the image sensor other than the lens. Everyone please be careful.
注意事項 Notes
・There are also anglers, so be careful not to disturb them.
・Be careful not to blur the photos, because the wind is strong.
・Be careful not to slip because the jetty ground is wet.
・Be careful not to fall into the sea or drop your equipments.
・Keep warm from autumn to winter.
・If you go at night, take a flashlight.
・If you go by car, pay attention to traffic safety.
・Check for moving light sources such as ships and airplanes.
・Check that there is no dust on the lens and sensor.
感想 Impression
It was a wonderful view as rumored.
Meiko Triton’s light-up color is changed according to the image of the season. Also, during the year-end and New Year holidays, Golden Week, Marine Day, and Christmas Eve, special colors are used. For details, please refer to the official website of the Nagoya Port Authority.
I will shoot photos at another season. I would like to introduce all colors on this page someday.