・今年:私(雨男) + 妻(晴れ女) + 娘(晴れ女) + My brother(未知数の男)
I shot the ice candles in Tsumago. February 17, 2024. I went to the Ice and Snow Light Festival again this year. The location is Tsumago-juku, located in the southern part of Nagano Prefecture. It is a festival of light with ice candles that is held only one day a year.
Actually, I came last year and it was pouring rain. The sky was cloudy from noon to evening, and I thought it would last forever, but by the time the candlesticks were lit, it started to rain heavily. Is it something wrong with my usual behavior? It was great that I was able to have a wild photography experience, but the quality of the photos I took was poor.
Therefore, this year we have taken the following measures.
・Last year: Me (rain man)
・This year: Me (rain man) + wife (sunny woman) + daughter (sunny woman) + My brother (unknown man)
Now, what are the results?
アクセス Access
地名 Spot name | 妻籠宿 Tsumago |
所在地 Location | ・郵便番号 Post code : 399-5302 ・住所:長野県木曽郡南木曽町吾妻 Address : Azuma, Nagiso Town, Kiso District, Nagano Prefecture ・電話番号 Tel:0264-57-3123 |
営業時間 Open hours | 24時間撮影可能 24 hours shooting available |
入場料 Entrance fee | なし No fee |
駐車場 Parking | あり ・料金 Parking fee:500円/回 500yen/1 time ・台数 Parking Number:下記参照 Refer to the below ・中央駐車場 Central parking:75台 ・第二駐車場 2nd parking:179台 ・第三駐車場 3rd parking : 123台 |
公式HP Official HP | 妻籠宿公式HP |
The above is the information at the time of writing the article.
Just in case, please check the latest information on the official website.
撮影記録 Photos and memo
撮った写真 Photo
・撮影日 Date:2024年2月17日 17th February 2024
・天候 Weather:雨 Rain
・備考 Notes:全て手持ち撮影 All photos are taken by handheld.
現地の様子 About spot
注意事項 Notes
・Be careful not to disturb another people.
・Be careful not to blur the photos.
・Be careful not to slip.
・Be careful not to drop your equipments.
・Keep warm.
・If you go by car, pay attention to traffic safety.
・Check that there is no dust on the lens and sensor.
・Be careful not to forget to record RAW data.
感想 Impression
今年は何とか天気も持ちました。火が灯る前に少し降られましたが、何とか持ちこたえました。晴れ女の妻と娘を連れてきた、私の作戦勝ちだと思います。(そう言えば、My brotherが遅れて登場した途端に降り出したような…) 家族と一緒に訪れましたので、レンズはNIKKOR Z 24-70mm f/2.8 Sの1本に絞り、三脚も使わず、気楽に歩いて回り、スナップ感覚で楽しむことができました。
Fortunately, the weather was good this year. It rained a little before the fire was lit, but we managed to hold out. (Now that I think about it, it started raining as soon as My Brother appeared…) Because I was visiting with my family, I use only one lens, the NIKKOR Z 24-70mm f/2.8 S, and didn’t use a tripod. And so, I was able to walk around easily and enjoy it.
The Lantern Festival is held not only in Tsumago-juku, but also in Narai-juku, Magome-juku, and other locations along Kisoji, at slightly different times, almost every week. I will do my best to complete the all Lantern Festivals next year.